How Taking Your Accounts Online Will Save You Time and Money

Feb 20

More and more businesses are going online with their accounts. The advent of cloud software has started to revolutionise how everyone does business. Accounts no longer belong in the realm of an accountant’s office. Nowadays they are accessible from anywhere as long as you’ve got your smartphone, laptop or tablet handy. Many people are still clinging to the old ways, which is understandable. People don’t like change, especially when it involves something that’s been working so far. The thing is switching will not only save you time, but it’ll also save you money. To top that off, it’s a cinch to make the change. Accountants are finding ways they can serve their clients effectively, which means they may start using online accounting software to broaden their reach. Whether a business is using an Accounting NY firm or a local firm, they want to be assured that they are getting top-quality results making it easier for them to run their business.

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Live Like a King Without the High Prices

Feb 20

In this age of austerity, it is all too easy to believe that some luxuries are unobtainable – that the lifestyles of the rich and famous can’t be transferred to us. However this is not the case, and a lot of the lifestyle objects that we crave can be taken advantage of. Here I will give you a few examples of the ways we can have the things we want at reasonable prices.

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Top Ways to Finance Your Valentine’s Day

Feb 18

Most of us have had those moments when your partner asks what you have planned for Valentine’s Day and you are caught short, without the means to come up with any good plans? In years past, Mum and Dad might have been a good choice to go and ask for some assistance for some cash, but with the economy as it is, they are probably not the best idea this year. Valentine’s Day can be expensive, and with it being the most popular day of the year to propose to your partner, it often comes with the expense of engagement rings. If this is the year you’re thinking of proposing, head to Gema & CO or another similar jewellery site to do some research on rings and get budgeting! Budgeting is the best way to keep on top of your finances during the month of love, but here are some other top methods of funding to keep you in good graces with your special someone.

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Family Finance – Surviving a Loss in Earnings

Feb 14

When one of the earners in a household suddenly finds himself or herself out of work, it can be a devastating blow to the collective finances. However, this scenario is still much better than having no income at all, and there are ways to survive on just one paycheck in the middle of a job search or recovery from an accident. Here’s how you can strategically settle the question of how to match your new spending choices to your new budget.

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How Payday Loans Nearly Ruined My Life

Feb 13

A few years ago, I was having some serious financial difficulties and had to resort to getting a payday loan to fix my car. Unfortunately, for me, I had no it I was starting a vicious cycle that would make managing debt virtually impossible. Almost all payday loan companies have some sort of disclaimer that their products are for temporary financial relief and should not be used as a long-term financial solution. What they do not tell is that if you cannot pay the entire loan back with your next paycheck, you will quickly find yourself in a downward spiraling debt crisis.

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