Can You Find Expat Health Insurance to Cover Pre-Existing Conditions?

Sep 22

Comprehensive health insurance is certainly a necessity when you become an expat, regardless of the country you end up calling home. Unfortunately, many potential expats struggle to make their dreams of living abroad come true simply because of concerns surrounding pre-existing medical conditions.

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The Science of Consistently Providing Lower Prices

Sep 22

Okay, so we’re going to go a bit deep with this one, because frankly that’s what it takes to make good on one’s commitment to improve their finances, such as the situation I still find myself in (debt) and the situation I’m working very hard daily to get myself out of. I’ve come a really long way and have barely had time to post any real updates about just how far I’ve managed to slash my debt, but I guess that’s a good thing because what it means is that I can share some valuable information about the process itself.

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Simple funeral plans

Sep 22

Articles talking about the death of loved ones and their subsequent funeral are never likely to make light or entertaining reading.

Yet on top of the emotional grief that comes with bereavement, those left behind often face very substantial funeral expenses. These costs can be a real worry and cause financial hardship. That in turn can mean that grieving and healing can be adversely affected by the added worry of just how the funeral is going to be paid for.

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Do I need flood insurance?

Sep 18

As Storm Aileen rages across the country, now may be a timely reminder of the importance of flood insurance.

Flooding is one of the major risks typically included in many standard forms of property insurance – the extent of damage caused by flooding may be considerable and although any claims may generally attract a relatively high excess, home owners, buy to let landlords and property investors as a whole consider it important to have this important line of defence in their arsenal of insurance headings.

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What do you need to know when buying empty property cover?

Sep 14

Let’s examine some examples of situations that might result in you needing to consider empty property cover.

This is sometimes also known as “unoccupied property insurance” or variations thereof.

Unoccupied and insurance

When you’re letting a property, as a landlord, you’ll want to see it occupied for as high a percentage of the time as possible. That’s all about your income stream.

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