Contact Me

Hi Guys! It’s me, Sal and I like to save money as you can tell. I can give advice on how to save money, how to spend money and where to put it.

You can email me really quick using the contact form here

I’d love to hear from you and I’ll get back to you in a few hours max.

Sal x

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Write for us was set up with the initial goal of providing quality moneysaving advice, including investments, insurance and general frugal and saving tips.  I love to help people and I would love for you to help us share your knowledge and tips to our broad user base (I’m getting over 15,000 hits a month now!)

To get involved, you just need to get in touch with what you have got, and we will take care of the rest.  If you want to be prepared though, have a read of our guidelines below:

The general rule is:

“If it’s useful to our readers then we will post it”

  • Language – English only please!
  • Links – you can have one link back in your article, plus one social media link
  • Personal Finance only  – Our readers don’t come here to read about macro-economics unless it is relevant to a product they own

We try to cover a broad range of topics, if you are not sure of what sort of content we publish, take a look at the site, contact us, or take your pick from the topics we receive the most questions about!

  • Credit Cards, switching and the best deals on the market
  • Reclaiming finance, such as missold Payment Protection Insurance Policies (PPI’s)
  • Shopping! Do you know a good place to buy discount products?
  • Business Insurance
  • Car Insurance
  • Home insurance

If you feel you have an article that fits the requirements above, or have any other questions, please get in touch either using the contact form, or by email to