6 reasons to use a life insurance broker

Oct 31

Why use a broker to secure life cover? Won’t they add their fee onto the cost of the policy? Will they funnel me towards their preferred provider to maximise commission?

Actually the life insurance industry is heavily regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (or FCA) and if you select the right broker, there are many benefits for us consumers.

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Looking to finance a new car?

Oct 26

Buying a new car is one of those times when most people cast around for the finance to do so. According to a report in the Guardian newspaper on the 16th of August 2017, 1 million new cars and 1.2 million second hand cars were bought with the help of car finance during the previous 12 months.

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Quick guide to surgery insurance

Oct 24

Here is a quick overview of the main points associated with surgery insurance.


There is no universal pre-definition of something called surgery insurance.

Different insurance providers will see the risks and cover required, differently. As a result, it’s important to think about your unique situation and its risks then to look carefully at the cover offered by a policy to see if the two match-up.

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Can you save money by not ordering a building survey?

Oct 23

Getting a building survey during the home-buying process isn’t compulsory, although there are many who feel it should be. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors states that “on average, homebuyers spend 5,750 on repairs once moved into their new home”, showing just how important a survey is if you want to avoid any nasty surprises upon moving into your new home.

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Reward Credit Cards – Do Your Research before you Apply for these Cards

Oct 10

Reward credit cards have become much popular of late. These credit cards are much in use with individuals that make online purchases more frequently. However, like all other credit cards, these cards can be used responsibly and may act as your ticket to achieving quality savings that yield huge passive income with time.

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