Union Insurance Savers

Nov 30

If you’re a member of a not-for-profit organisation or a trade union, you may well be able to save money on all kinds of different insurance needs. Some members of these organisations are well aware of these potential savings, but others simply aren’t. And for many of us, dealing with a mutual insurance company feels nicer, morally speaking, than does dealing with an entirely private insurance provider.

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Employees Must Look Beyond Employers for Best Annuities

Nov 29

A recently-introduced European directive is putting pressure on prospective retirees to change their retirement plans – or risk losing out on the value of their pension. Coming into force on the 21 December, the changes involve a drop in annuity rates, prompting a scramble to snap up existing annuity offers and optimize retirement payments. The changes will affect retirees in different ways – if you’re thinking of retiring soon, it’s worth understanding how they will affect you, and how you can avoid a loss.

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How to Maximise Returns from Your Child ISA

Nov 26

Many people are taking up the option of the latest savings incentive available for children, the Child ISA.  Children’s ISAs are a good way of starting to create capital for your children that will continue to be tax efficient until they choose to spend it.

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Learning Ways to Save Money

Nov 23

In today’s economic environment, a person has to ensure they are finding the lowest price for products and services, such as insurance and overall financial expenses. In order to meet the needs you have established for your financial and insurance needs you have to consider what every company out there is offering. Through comparing companies and all the benefits these companies are offering, a person can make a sound decision as to which company to go through for their financial and insurance needs. Here are some tips to help you save and find the best fit for your life.

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Why Fire Safety is Paramount for all Workplaces

Nov 23

As an employer, you are legally required to ensure that your employees and anyone who enters your workplace are safe. Fire is one of the largest dangers in the world, and can kill you within minutes, which is why you need to ensure that you have the very best in Fire Protection. Should the worst happen, everyone must make sure that they remain calm, and know what their jobs are should they be designated fire martial. Ensuring people remain calm and do not panic means the chance you have of guaranteeing more people have reached safety is far higher.

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