Top 5 Mobile Phone Insurance Providers
May 19
As a nation we are constantly bombarded with advertising slogans and boards pushing us towards which products we should be buying, where and when! The most confusing of all for most, myself included, is where to buy your mobile phone insurance from. We are also a nation driven by price and our desperate need to save money in this ever increasing economy is more important than ever. The Internet is also full of the latest craze of ‘comparison’ websites offering us the opportunity to ease our stress and ‘make life easier’. This, I must say, is like music to my ears and to make life about easier for you, I’ve compiled a small list of the top 5 mobile phone insurance providers today ;
* Protect Your Bubble – we’ve all seen the ads plastered over bus stops, billboards and the Internet, this is one of the leading insurance providers of today.
* Insurance 2 Go – offering low cost mobile phone insurance form as little as £3.99 a month, this instance company is worth looking into!
* Budget Mobile Cover – the proof is in the pudding so to speak! This company offer low cost mobile phone and gadget insurance with a high level of cover and the 1st month free.
* Better Buy Insurance – this provider offers 12 months I Phone insurance cover for just £19.99, with great customer reviews, worth looking in to.
* Supercover Insurance – with over 18 years experience in the industry, I think these guys know there stuff.
* – well worth looking at, all of the insurers above are listed with price and coverage shown.
Now, the only thing left to do is make sure you insure your mobile phone sooner, rather than later and make sure you get the deal that’s right for you AND your budget. Ensure your read through the terms of your contract thoroughly so there are no nasty surprises if the unfortunate event may occur that you have to make a claim.