The Newbies Moving House Guide

Feb 16

After leaving university nothing had prepared me for the costs and drama of actually buying a house. It wasn’t just the finances that suddenly started to appear from everywhere, but also the logistics that came with it. Who knew that find a reputable car shipping company such as you can see here would be so difficult?

Yes, testing both our relationship and our bank knowledge, buying our first house has been an eye-opener into that thing they call the real world.

Getting engaged shortly after we bagged our first full-time jobs was a rollercoaster to say the least. But despite signing our lives away on jargon filled papers that we still don’t quite understand, we did it.

Of course, being fresh-faced and not long out of uni was a dilemma in itself, but for any of you who are also attempting to do this, here are the money saving tips that helped us get our foot on the ladder.

Know Your Limits

Planning your budget is the only way you’re going to know what you can reasonably afford.

To start with I was completely naïve to the costs involved with moving, but there are lots of helpful moving house calculators that can help you to understand the costs and where they come from.

These calculators will help you as you navigate getting your expenses together for the move. For example, if you are moving quite a long distance then you will probably need Long-distance moving services to help you keep everything together and get to your destination on time and safely. You could do it alone, but it may involve multiple trips and cars, which can waste your money.

Ask Advice

As I have siblings who’ve already been there, done that and got the t-shirt, I was lucky enough to pick their brains about everything to do with moving, house costs and even bills.

I know not everyone is going to want to open up about their personal finance, but if you do have a relative who’s willing to explain things, don’t let them go!

But if you find sitting down and talking finance with family unbearable, don’t forget that the internet is your biggest resource, and there are lots of moving websites available with free advice.

Happy couple in their new home concept

Be Thrifty

With a very tight budget for furnishings it’s surprising what you can find when you really put your mind to it.

Determined to make the best of our budget situation we became regulars at the local car boot, and could be found most Saturdays trawling the charity shops.

For a fraction of the price, we managed to find items that otherwise would have cost us a small fortune. Of course, if you already have pieces of furniture for your home, you could easily get them shipped over to your new property by contacting one of the trucking companies in Atlanta, or wherever you live. That should make it easier for people to transport their goods, without having to make multiple car journeys.

Trade for a Trade

When we’d found the property of our dreams, it needed some serious TLC.

If you move into a new build then you’re acquainted with magnolia, but for those of us who purchase a ‘doer upper’, it usually comes with retro carpets and wallpaper that’s seen more life than you.

So with little to zero DIY experience we started being super cheeky, and offer a trade for a trade.

Of course we did do most of the decorating ourselves, but for any task we couldn’t do we would rope in someone we knew. We’d then organise a trade-off whether it was dinner, or babysitting, or any other task we could do in return for their work.

I know this is something that not everyone has the privilege of, but money becomes tight in those first few months so doing anything to not have to spend a penny was really important to us.

If there are areas of your home where serious work needs to be done, for instance, your new garden has seen better days, then calling in professionals who provide services such as hardscaping in West Chester PA (or elsewhere), can help you get everything in order. Sometimes you do need to spend money, but do it if you know that it cannot be done alone or if you don’t know people who are experts in this area.


Sale Savvy

If a shop was having a sale we were there.

January is a first time buyers dream as everything jumps down in price which means you can pick some nicer looking items, or more frivolous bits and pieces for a much smaller price.

You know what I mean, cushions and candles. The things that guys don’t think we ‘need’.

Every Penny Counts

You know that spare change that you find floating around in your bag or your car?

Well we put all of our change together, and actually made money by simply saving our pennies.

I used to never think much of just chucking it in a jar when emptying my purse, but when we put it all together we had enough money to buy the paint for the house.

Yes just from change!!

I know some of these tactics may seem a little tight, but using the budgeting skills I learnt through my Uni days has enabled me to move into my first home with the man I love. Until he forgets to do the washing.