MLM & Network Marketing Strategies: Four Ways to Generate More Leads
Apr 13
According to a Salesforce survey from a couple of years ago, almost 75% of adults in the United States have purchased a product from a direct seller. Although many people are turned off by the “95% fail” myth, and the figures vary from company to company, the fact is that more than half multi-level marketers report a positive net income in the first year. Thankfully, in recent years, the internet has made it easier than ever to find people who are interested in your service or product.
While generating leads is very important for any successful business, MLM marketers have to generate a huge number of leads, because they need to have enough people to present their product to. Many people in the MLM business do not build their business using conventional marketing tactics; however, this is a mistake. If you are an MLM marketer, you should, and must use many of the same lead generating strategies used by other businesses that need leads to make a profit.
1. Personal Website
Before you start spending money on web development, you need to check if your company has a policy on personal websites. Because, as strange it may sound, some companies simply do not allow personal sites. If you are working for a company that allows this practice, you should start looking into it right away, because you need to differentiate yourself from the competition. Including videos on your site would be a good idea, because videos will improve your return on investment and conversion rates – in fact, almost 70% of marketers plan on increasing video marketing budgets according to Vidard.
2. Social Media
The Pew Research Center reports that about 75% of internet users have at least one social media account, and we are probably going to see even more SM sites pop up in the next few years. If you look at the numbers, power of social media is undeniable, but if you want to see results, tweeting “Join My Team” is just not enough, you need to be cleverer with your social media platforms. For example, many companies that sell weight loss products post “before and after” pictures on photo-sharing sites like Instagram and Pinterest. So lets us say that you are trying to sell makeup, it would be smart to set up a YouTube account and make a couple of tutorials.
3. Content Creation
You do not want to be one of the 70% of marketers who do not have a content marketing strategy – once you set up your own website, and create accounts on some social media sites, you need to start creating content. Writing articles is perhaps the most effective way to get in front of your market and most importantly – it is completely free. If you want to send your articles to other sites, remember to keep the writing informative and not advertorial, the best to promote your business is to include a link to your website in the bio.
4. Referral Program
Individuals who come to you through someone else, usually want to know more about you, while most of the people you talk to will not be interested in your product; they probably know people who are, so you need to develop a referral program. If you do not have much experience with referral programs, you should consider taking some MLM online training courses, such as Yoobly to help you start generating referrals from your clients. Here is a quick tip: you can offer your clients a 10 to 20 percent discount on their next purchase for every new person they send.
Many MLM marketers tend to buy leads because they do not like the sales process, but that is usually a bad move because those lists generally come from questionable sources and will probably not help you make a sale. That is why you need to start generating leads as soon as possible, qualifying them to determine if they are a good fit for your product, and only after you should make your pitch. Once you master generating leads and working, there is nothing to stop you from becoming an MLM success.