How to Save Money on Basic Roof Repairs

Oct 16

Getting a building contractor like Roof Works to perform regular or emergency roof repair can certainly be costly, particularly when you have let the time gone by without spending one afternoon, at least, to inspect the condition of your roof. Many people think that roofs are above their heads just to protect them along with their family and assets from weather inclemency; however, they rarely think that roofs need maintenance until problems begin to surface. If the home has an attic, inspecting this area of the home is also very important as you can notice deterioration and other problems that may be associated with the roof. So looking into websites such as and getting a professional opinion on what you should do next, is at the top of the list.

You can save money on basic roof repairs just by implementing a systematic inspection of your roof to detect problems that you can easily repair yourself for the fraction of the cost that a professional roofer or building contractor service would charge. A thorough inspection does not require technical knowledge and will only cost you the time that you invest reviewing your roof’s structure from inside and out. Naturally, it is necessary to embrace a courageous attitude when roof inspection involves the challenge to climb up on shingled roofs, in which case you need to take precautionary measures to avoid an involuntary accident.

Climb on the roof is not as hard as you might think and the best way to avoid accidents is tying yourself with a rope secured at the opposite end. The rope will hold you in case of an accident, preventing you from falling. Besides, a good pair of rubber soled shoes will be helpful to walk along the roof without slipping. If you need to use a ladder, make sure to secure it as well and preferably, get someone to lend you a helping hand holding it and moving it as needed.

The NCRA (National Roofing Contractors Association) advises homeowners to inspect their roofs at least twice a year, but if you stop for a moment to recall when was the last time you were checking your roof, you could be surprised to see how fast time flies and how long it has been since you did it. Notwithstanding, it is very easy to save money on basic roof repairs without needing to get a qualified contractor no having to take a course to learn the know how. Really, roof repairs can be done by yourself and is way easier if your home has flat roofs, but if yours is not, you can still do it observing the preventive measures noted above and starting the inspection from inside the house.

Water leaks are the most common problem that you will find, but not the only ones. The following list will give you some tips to save basic roof repairs.

  1. Do it yourself is the best way to save money when the roof requires small fixes and maintenance.
  2. Use vinyl patches to repair small leaks, this is a quick solution that saves the money you would have to pay for welding, just make sure to clean the leaking area with a cloth soaked in water, then dry and clean again using alcohol to make sure the patch will adhere perfectly.
  3. You can do the waterproofing of your roof easily, just think of the roof like if you were painting a wall. Apply a similar technique when using a roof sealant or silicone to repair debris.
  4. Roof drainage can be unclogged with cleaning products that you can find whether in the supermarket or grocery store. Even if you buy a special unclogging product at the hardware store, you will be saving the money that you would have to pay for contractor workmanship.

Author Bio: Ori Tal is a commercial real estate investor in Cocoa Beach Florida and has saved money by helping with his own roof repairs.