Having a Good Online Reputation will Save you Money

Feb 20

Having a bad internet reputation can cost a business a lot of money, or even be the cause of its complete downfall. When it comes to running a business that has an online presence, one has to consider the implications of negative online reviews and comments. These can crop up for any business, whether it be from unsatisfied customers or competing companies. Whatever the reason, it is essential to monitor what comes up in search engine results for your company name.

79% of Brits look for reviews on a search engine such as Google, and 75% of Brits would change their mind about a purchase after reading three bad reviews. If a company’s Google page one is filled with negative material, it is bound to lose an unaffordable percentage of its potential income. This is where online reputation management companies come in. They might make use of different strategies to help your business tackle the bad reviews or negative content online. Using SEO techniques, it is possible to push web pages relating to a company above the negative reviews that appear when their company name is searched. These websites can be things such as social network profiles, and company blogs of separate domains.

These sites can be search engine optimised to ensure that they appear on page one of Google results when the company’s name is searched. This will eventually knock down any negative content onto page 2, 3, 4 etc. and out of sight. To monitor the progress of this, it might be a good idea to use an SEO service that can perform a Website audit, SEO web site audit report for you, helping you to monitor the data and attract the right attention.

A good way to monitor your online reputation is to employ the use of Google Alerts. This enables you to receive e-mail notifications every time your business name is mentioned on the web. To set up these alerts go to Google Alerts, enter your company name into the ‘Search Query’ box and choose whether you would like to be alerted instantly, daily or weekly. This is a great way to keep a tab on what is said about your business, and respond immediately to any negative reviews about your company. If at all your brand’s name is hindered in the process of receiving a negative review, you could try to remove name from google search. This in itself could save you money; a customer that has negatively reviewed your company may be pleased by a personal response and remove the review.

The online reputation management industry is growing fast, the need for it increasing all the time. Give your business a Google… like what you see?