Family Kitchen Makeover on a Budget
Oct 04

The kitchen can be one of the most expensive rooms in the house to renovate and many people have to delay refurbishment until they feel they can afford the expense.
Vital items
It is actually false economy to wait to replace a noisy washing machine or an out of date cooker until the last possible moment. The current state of the UK economy, with many high street appliance shops announcing ‘closing down’ sales on a regular basis, means that the savvy householder might well be able to sell their old appliance via a website, such as Gumtree or eBay, and use the money received towards purchasing a new cooker, fridge or washing machine, from such a sale. The new appliance will then have a manufacturer’s guarantee. By leaving the disposal of white goods until the last minute means the only possible fate for them is the local rubbish tip, for some items, you can hire a rubbish removal service, similar to the Junk removal Melbourne services, to dispose of the items in an eco friendly way. For whichever items these are, this should be the path urged to take. Certain appliances should always be bought new for reasons of safety; for example cookers and washing machines.
Fixtures and fittings
In order to give the kitchen a totally new feel, it is not necessary to invest in completely new cupboards and drawers. A lick of paint to the walls and new doors fitted to the existing units will totally enhance the kitchen at a low cost. Another possibility is to strip the cabinets of their existing paintwork or if this is not possible paint over the existing surface with high gloss latex paint. Some families use their kitchens for relaxation, as well as dining in, so another sensible investment might be to select some good quality dining tables. These will stand the test of time and also compliment the newly decorated room. If the family feels the need for a comfortable sofa in the room there are plenty of charity shops that have a good selection of clean and presentable sofas and chairs.
A dingy kitchen can really make the room appear unfriendly and drab. One of the best ways to change this is to transform the lighting scheme. Open up the kitchen window by using blinds rather than curtains; there are many home kits on the market. If you wanted to get the professionals involved, why not ask them about Custom Shutters? These will look great in a kitchen and let in a lot more light than curtains do! Alternatively, why not take a trip to the local DIY store and see if they have any clever spots or halogen lights that could be installed, rather than a hideous overhead fluorescent tube. This project does not have to be completed all at once, but could be carried out once the family budget can stand the expense. Try to install battery powered cabinet lights; these are easy to fit and stand-alone from the main household electrical supply. For major electrical installations it is imperative that an electrician is employed (if you’re in WI, you could navigate to this website to see if Electrical Synergies could help you out), but choosing and purchasing all the light fittings can still save money.
Most surfaces can be recovered by the use of laminate. The same applies to scruffy floors; the kitchen seems to breed dirt, so a new floor covering will create wonders. Take a look at the classified ads section of the local newspaper or online for any bargains or deals. Most shops will be prepared to sell at less than the advertised price, so it is always worth plucking up courage and asking if there is any scope for negotiation. You can browse through and compare different online stores, such as this Grosvenor Flooring, or similar others sites, to find a wide range of flooring options that can suit both your style and budget. By taking the time to research and compare, you can find the perfect flooring to transform your kitchen into a space that is functional as well as stylish, without overspending.
A family kitchen makeover on a budget can be an exciting project. With a bit of creativity, careful planning, and smart shopping, you can turn your kitchen into a space that can reflect your personal style and meet your family’s needs without spending much. Remember, the key to a successful kitchen makeover is to create a space that is not only beautiful but also functional and inviting. So, go ahead and start planning your dream kitchen today!