Do Women Use ISAs More Efficiently Than Men?
Nov 16

You may already know that ISAs provide a tax-efficient way for you to save money. Many people in the UK are already taking advantage of these products to ensure that they can save at a faster rate.
It’s also clear, however, that some people are failing to make full use of ISAs. It’s interesting to look at why this should be the case and to question whether men are particularly bad at saving in this way.
It’s important to state that men and women have an equal entitlement in the world of ISAs. All UK residents are able to save up to £11,280 within ISAs this year. A total of £5,640 can specifically be used within a Cash ISA.
As a result, it can be seen that women are not being persuaded to save more due to particular legal or regulatory measures. There may be a suspicion, however, that they are more likely to put increasing amounts of money into Cash ISAs.
In part, this may simply reflect the way in which many households handle the financial aspects of life. Women may increasingly be seen as financial decision-makers within the family and there’s a suggestion that they are more likely to have responsibility for decisions that involve household finances.
What this may suggest is that women are taking decisions on behalf of the entire family. This doesn’t necessarily mean that men are missing out, or are being excluded from the process.
Another aspect to consider here is that the changing nature of society means that more women are living alone and have independence as a result. That independence clearly includes freedom when it comes to making financial choices.
Since many experts would see ISAs as providing the best way to save, analysts would agree that many women are making sensible savings decisions.
When considering the benefits of an ISA, it’s impossible to overlook the fact that money saved in this way does not attract taxation. This also helps to explain why many experts suggest that an ISA should be your very first port of call when you are looking to make savings each year. After you have exhausted your allowance, you may then wish to consider alternative ways of saving money.
It may seem reasonable to ask why you shouldn’t simply place all of your money into a standard Savings Account. This has been an option that many people have certainly taken over the years.
The problem with doing so, however, is that you’ll end up paying tax on any interest that’s generated within a Savings Account. In effect, this will be reducing the rate of interest that you are earning. This means that Savings Accounts are rarely able to produce the returns that can be derived from Cash ISAs.
As an alternative, some people prefer the thought of investing money in stocks and shares. In this case, there’s the opportunity to get greater returns, although there’s clearly also a higher level of risk involved.
It’s also worth remembering that your initial investment will not attract taxation if you make use of a Stocks and Shares ISA. These seem to be less popular than Cash ISAs, which is possibly a reflection of the fact that many people struggle to understand them.
Whether your family finances are looked after by a man, a woman, or on a joint basis, it makes sense to carry out your research. It’s clear that ISAs can have a significant role to play in improving the state of your household financial situation.
If you’re not currently making use of your ISA allowance then it’s likely that you are paying more tax than you need to.