5 Good Reasons To Buy Bitcoin In 2019
Apr 06

Bitcoin has been around for a few years now, and the leading cryptocurrency had a turbulent 2018, with a lot of fluctuation since that December high of $17,000, and with a growing number of people starting to use Bitcoin, this year is looking to be a stable one for Bitcoin investors, especially if you use sites like https://coincierge.de/bitcoin-bank/ to help guide you into receiving the best return on your investment. So, if you have been thinking about getting into Bitcoin but haven’t yet decided to take the leap, here are a few reasons why 2019 is the ideal time to invest in the world’s number one cryptocurrency.
- Peaks And Troughs – Bitcoin was subject to major fluctuations last year, and with a peak at over $17,000 in December 2018, Bitcoin is currently valued at just over $3,000, and is looking to make some serious gains this year. If you think like the trusted Bitcoin Dealers, you will be feeling confident of some serious gains, and with reputable online Bitcoin Dealers, you can make a purchase any time. All the signs point to a rise in value this year, and just how much is anyone’s guess.
- Limited Supply – There can only ever be a total of 20 million Bitcoins, and with 80% of all Bitcoins already mined, this means there is a limited supply of remaining Bitcoins that are waiting to be discovered. As new Bitcoins become rarer, this is bound to have an impact on their value, and if the financial gurus have got it right, 2019 will see the lowest prices and a steady rise is expected that should continue for a few years. Also, it is crucial to have read more about apps and platforms that cater to help you invest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. You can research well on the success rates and experience reviews of Immediate Profits and other popular cryptocurrency trading apps from online guides like https://aktien-blog.com/immediate-profit.
Image Source: Pixabay
- Free From Government Manipulation – Bitcoin is not controlled by any government, and its value is determined by market forces, so there is zero chance of a government attempt to reduce the value of this leading cryptocurrency. More and more people are buying into Bitcoin, and many retailers now accept Bitcoin as a form of payment, which is a sure sign that the currency will continue to grow in popularity.
- Unstable Global Economy – The US dollar, along with other major currencies, is very unstable at the moment, and if you compare Bitcoin’s value with flat currencies, it generally does well when the major currencies do not. People are moving their wealth out of the US dollar and the Euro, and investing in gold and Bitcoin, and if this trend continues, it will be good news if you invest this year.
Image Source: Unsplash
- Diversify Your Investment Portfolio – It is never a good idea to put all of your eggs in one basket, and rather than investing in fiat currencies, you should look for other options as well. Bitcoin is currently at a very low price and many Trading Portale companies deal in cryptocurrency in addition to fiat money. Buying now will add another commodity to your list, and all being well, the value should steadily rise, as more people become investors.
All investments have a degree of risk attached, yet by taking a good look at the history of Bitcoin value, there is a definite trend of highs and lows, and many investment gurus are saying that now is the best time to buy Bitcoin. An initial investment of a few thousand dollars will hopefully see a good return, and you can always increase your investment at any time by searching online for reputable Bitcoin dealers in Australia.