3 Money Saving Tips for Running Your Own Business

Dec 02

No business owner wants to hear the phrases, cutting down, downsizing, and cost reductions; these words have long been associated with foreclosure, capital loss, and bankruptcy. Savvy business owners hide under a blanket fort of denial, re-enacting their childhoods until the problem magically disappears; your financial woes won’t dissolve overnight, so how do you conquer a monetary nightmare before it happens? To ensure your business stays in the green for the next quarter, apply our three rarely reviewed developmental factors to your half-yearly plan.

Are You Paying Too Much?

Ask yourself this, how much are you really spending? What do your balances look like? Where are you losing money? The details of your utilities and miscellaneous expenses may surprise you if you’ve neglected their numbers to rogue accountants and office assistants. Assessing your incoming bills takes time, and honestly, who has a few spare minutes per day to sit down with leaflets of paper and rounded figures? Not you. Well, it can be bad news as not keeping track of your outgoing money can eventually lead you to bankruptcy. This in turn can cause other businesses to decline all the deals with your business as they would probably run a bankrupty search for your company and upon knowledge of your financial status, they might choose to cut all business ties. That said, though you probably have more pressing matters to attend to now, you have been empowered by the market to seek the best deal for your venture, so why delay? There will always be a client to see, a presentation to practice, and something to do; prioritising a swift comparison won’t set you back, but may save you dollars, resulting in a healthier bank account and a happier you.

Hire Freelancers

Your business is growing at a steady rate, but you’re not ready to take on another full-timer; this is where freelancers and contractors come in handy.
Suited to upcoming projects and flexible accounts, hiring a freelancer gives you the freedom to make the right choices for your clients, depending on experience, creativity, and a host of other qualifiers, without negotiating on quality. Indeed, hiring an outsider allows you as an employer the autonomy to enter into a transparent agreement, free of hidden expectations and the hassle of sick days, annual leave, superannuation, tax, and the rest! Pay a bit more now to save serious coin later, as you invest in work you need, as opposed to petulant juniors hanging out on Facebook.

Do you really need that big city office space?

The ever-increasing price of office blocks in city centers is one of the biggest outlays a company can face, especially if the space you require is just for yourself, a few staff members, or for holding meetings with clients. A traditional method of downsizing from your large city office is to find a small space that can slash your rent straight by half. Usually, such spaces may not be located at the most happening places in the city — they may perhaps not be situated within walking distance of big malls or famous food joints. That is not to say they would be in a remote corner with less access to public transportation or eateries. They would have those basic amenities available, just minus the glamor of the big city centers. Once you do move into a smaller space, you’ll have to take care of a few things, one notable highlight being the cleanliness. This is crucial as maintaining a clean and organized environment can directly impact your staff. Now, if the office space includes areas like a kitchenette or a small break room, then it becomes imperative to ensure that it is kept clean on a regular basis. How though? Well, ensuring regular professional kitchen cleaning can keep these areas hygienic and presentable for both your team and visiting clients, thereby making the environment conducive for conducting business. So, if you have fewer staff or need an office space to host occasional client meetings, a smaller space with access to various such services could be an ideal and cost-effective choice. This will also ensure that most of the amenities are still available for your staff, thereby making it comfortable for them, potentially contributing to their productivity.

You can start to plan your move immediately if this interests you; contact a moving company Winston Salem or wherever you are located so that they can take care of every aspect of your relocation, from packing to shifting and unpacking. That being said, if you have a huge working force, getting bigger office space makes sense. If you have a large number of employees and require a bigger office space, it is essential to prioritize their safety. Along with considering factors such as location and cost, it is crucial to ensure that the office premises adhere to all necessary safety regulations. This includes conducting thorough safety testing. As an example, it is vital to engage professionals (who specialize in electrical safety testing adelaide, or in your region) to assess the office’s electrical systems and equipment according to industry standards and government rules. This proactive approach can help mitigate any potential risks and can ensure a safe working environment for your employees.

An alternative to small spaces would be Corporate House’s virtual offices. These for-hire rooms give you all the perks of a corporate workplace without paying a small fortune for a permanent headquarters. They will provide you with a local business number, complimentary use of boardrooms and private working areas, a virtual receptionist, and courier and mail management. To see more information check out www.corporatehouse.com.au .